Archive for the ‘misandry’ Category

Typical Demented Feminist Speech That Mumsnet Fems Would Lap Up – The Video!

September 8, 2011

Demented Speech That Mumsnet Feminists Would Lap Up

September 7, 2011

Mumsnet Sucks! notices Mumsnet Fems rarely let the facts get in the way of saying what makes the FEEL right. Likewise, women & Feminists, God Bless ‘Em, seem to swallow any old hogwash if it is massages their little victim complexes. So we thought of writing a speech that most Mumsnet Feminists would love, even though it’s not strictly… true.


“Women…Mothers, Daughters…

Our time is here. We have come so far but have still so far to go. We have managed to escape the chains that men literally held us in, and broke free of those little prisons they would put us in when we were on our periods. No more will we ride in the trunk of the car while the man sits inside! No more must we have salt-free chips off the floor while the men eat big sandwiches on gold thrones. The days of us having to go to different schools than men, ours made out of cardboard, staffed by rapists, are over!




It took us fifty years to be allowed to drive a car, and even then we were only allowed ones with hard metal seats. Not any more, though there is still a huge comfortable-car-seat gap of 20% and a glass ceiling that stops us from owning dune buggies. And less than 15% of all women who are in the top quarter of the bottom 70% each year somewhere in the world is earning less than 50% fewer more than a man in a totally dissimilar position. And that must stop.




But I say this – soon the world will quake at our power bwoohahahah. No wait. Ignore that bit. Let me tell you a story about my mother. She grew up in the old-timey days. She had it rough. Back then it was legal – no, compulsory – for every man to slap her in the face as she walked down the street, buying groceries that she couldn’t afford because wolves riding flying dinosaurs – male flying dinosaurs of course – would swoop down from the sky and steal her handbag. And that was part of life back then. But no more.




Today, wolf/dinosaur bag-snatching is mostly a thing of the past. Although in some parts of the world women still must wrestle angry tigers to earn the right to leave the house, while the men laugh and place bets. And in wars, it is women who do all the fighting and dying, the men are just pretending and it’s all camera tricks. Really they are playing golf. Luckily Oprah is going to address this problem by writing another book about herself. But what about the future? Will men ever stop raping all the children and putting stink bombs up our fannies? Will we ever be free of these brands on our arms that say ‘girls can’t catch and they run funny?’ Can we replace stupid old male Science (Yawn!) with  Aromatherapy?

Yes. We can make that happen. Because together, women can do anything!

(Mass hysteria, fainting, standing ovation!)

[Under her breath] Fuck you mom, I told you I could do the speech…

You Won’t Read About This On Mumsnet…

August 24, 2011

More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals

Campaign group Parity claims assaults by wives and girlfriends are often ignored by police and media


Mumsnet Would Say He Probably Was An Controlling Abuser And She Snapped & Anyway Who Cares When It's Women Who Suffer The Overhwelming Proportion Of... wait, what just 60%? Er.... THIS BLOG IS CLEARLY THREATENED BY STRONG WOMEN, IN FACT IT GENUINELY MAKES ME LMAO AT ITS PATHETICNESS. HONESTLY. LMAO.

About two in five of all victims of domestic violence are men, contradicting the widespread impression that it is almost always women who are left battered and bruised, a new report claims.

Men assaulted by their partners are often ignored by police, see their attacker go free and have far fewer refuges to flee to than women, says a study by the men’s rights campaign group Parity.

The charity’s analysis of statistics on domestic violence shows the number of men attacked by wives or girlfriends is much higher than thought. Its report, Domestic Violence: The Male Perspective, states: “Domestic violence is often seen as a female victim/male perpetrator problem, but the evidence demonstrates that this is a false picture.”

Data from Home Office statistical bulletins and the British Crime Survey show that men made up about 40% of domestic violence victims each year between 2004-05 and 2008-09, the last year for which figures are available. In 2006-07 men made up 43.4% of all those who had suffered partner abuse in the previous year, which rose to 45.5% in 2007-08 but fell to 37.7% in 2008-09.

Similar or slightly larger numbers of men were subjected to severe force in an incident with their partner, according to the same documents. The figure stood at 48.6% in 2006-07, 48.3% the next year and 37.5% in 2008-09, Home Office statistics show.

The 2008-09 bulletin states: “More than one in four women (28%) and around one in six men (16%) had experienced domestic abuse since the age of 16. These figures are equivalent to an estimated 4.5 million female victims of domestic abuse and 2.6 million male victims.”

In addition, “6% of women and 4% of men reported having experienced domestic abuse in the past year, equivalent to an estimated one million female victims of domestic abuse and 600,000 male victims”.

Campaigners claim that men are often treated as “second-class victims” and that many police forces and councils do not take them seriously. “Male victims are almost invisible to the authorities such as the police, who rarely can be prevailed upon to take the man’s side,” said John Mays of Parity. “Their plight is largely overlooked by the media, in official reports and in government policy, for example in the provision of refuge places – 7,500 for females in England and Wales but only 60 for men.”

The official figures underestimate the true number of male victims, Mays said. “Culturally it’s difficult for men to bring these incidents to the attention of the authorities. Men are reluctant to say that they’ve been abused by women, because it’s seen as unmanly and weak.”

The number of women prosecuted for domestic violence rose from 1,575 in 2004-05 to 4,266 in 2008-09. “Both men and women can be victims and we know that men feel under immense pressure to keep up the pretence that everything is OK,” said Alex Neil, the housing and communities minister in the Scottish parliament. “Domestic abuse against a man is just as abhorrent as when a woman is the victim.”


Mark Brooks of the Mankind Initiative, a helpline for victims, said: “It’s a scandal that in 2010 all domestic violence victims are still not being treated equally. We reject the gendered analysis that so many in the domestic violence establishment still pursue, that the primary focus should be female victims. Each victim should be seen as an individual and helped accordingly.”


Ian McNicholl, 47, has painful memories to remind him of the terror he endured when he found himself a male victim of domestic violence.

His then fiancee, Michelle Williamson, punched him in the face several times, stubbed out cigarettes on his body, lashed him with a vacuum cleaner tube, hit him with a metal bar and a hammer and even poured boiling water on to his lap. That at 6ft he was almost a foot taller than her made no difference. He still has burn marks on his left shoulder from when she used steam from an iron on him. Williamson, 35, is now serving a seven-year jail sentence for causing both actual and grievous bodily harm.

During the trial last year McNicholl told the court that, during more than a year of attacks and intimidation, he had lost his job, home and self-respect. He had been too scared to go to the police and had considered suicide. She was only arrested after two neighbours saw her punch him.

Sentencing her at Grimsby crown court last year, judge John Reddihough told Williamson: “Over the period of time you were with him you destroyed him mentally and seriously harmed him physically, leaving him with both physical and mental scars.”


The comments after the article are worth reading too. I hope The Guardian will now be keeping its reporting on domestic abuse proportionate … although I doubt it somehow.

“You’re afraid of a strong woman!” – Anti-Male Female Shaming Tactics 101

August 1, 2011

Shaming tactics are emotional devices meant to play on a man’s insecurities and shut down debate. They are meant to elicit sympathy for women and to demonize men who ask hard questions.”

It’s amusing how many of the listed examples of female shaming techniques have already been used on Mumsnet Sucks Facebook page  by our female guests, and are familiar from our forages into mumsnet.


“You’re bitter!”

“You need to get over your anger at women.”

“You’re afraid of a strong woman!

“Stop whining!”

“Get over it!”

“Suck it up like a man!”

“You guys don’t have it as nearly as bad as us women!”

“You’re just afraid of losing your male privileges.”

“Your fragile male ego …”

“Wow!  You guys need to get a grip!”

“Do you live with your mother?”

“I’m not interested in boys.  I’m interested in real men.”

“You guys are scary.”

“You make me feel afraid.”

“You are just bitter because you can’t get laid.”

“Why do you hate women?”

“You have issues.”“You’re unstable.”

“You need therapy.”



All used to dodge the issue at hand, or debate it logically and reasonably, whatever it might be and attempt to shame the man into submission. Imagine a man arguing like ‘Wll you’re just saying that cos you’re fat’ or ‘Feminism is stupid because you all have hairy legs and hate men,’

Let’s see if our lady guests here or on FB can manage to debate out points while avoiding these lame cliches.

Alternatively, women may find this a handy list to cut and paste from any time they want to debate gender issues or misandry with a man.