Posts Tagged ‘feminism’

“You’re afraid of a strong woman!” – Anti-Male Female Shaming Tactics 101

August 1, 2011

Shaming tactics are emotional devices meant to play on a man’s insecurities and shut down debate. They are meant to elicit sympathy for women and to demonize men who ask hard questions.”

It’s amusing how many of the listed examples of female shaming techniques have already been used on Mumsnet Sucks Facebook page  by our female guests, and are familiar from our forages into mumsnet.


“You’re bitter!”

“You need to get over your anger at women.”

“You’re afraid of a strong woman!

“Stop whining!”

“Get over it!”

“Suck it up like a man!”

“You guys don’t have it as nearly as bad as us women!”

“You’re just afraid of losing your male privileges.”

“Your fragile male ego …”

“Wow!  You guys need to get a grip!”

“Do you live with your mother?”

“I’m not interested in boys.  I’m interested in real men.”

“You guys are scary.”

“You make me feel afraid.”

“You are just bitter because you can’t get laid.”

“Why do you hate women?”

“You have issues.”“You’re unstable.”

“You need therapy.”



All used to dodge the issue at hand, or debate it logically and reasonably, whatever it might be and attempt to shame the man into submission. Imagine a man arguing like ‘Wll you’re just saying that cos you’re fat’ or ‘Feminism is stupid because you all have hairy legs and hate men,’

Let’s see if our lady guests here or on FB can manage to debate out points while avoiding these lame cliches.

Alternatively, women may find this a handy list to cut and paste from any time they want to debate gender issues or misandry with a man.

I Agree Mumsnet Is Full Of Man-Hate And Fathers Or Non-Feminist Mothers Are Only Tolerated If They Keep Quiet But What Can I Do?

July 30, 2011


Glad you asked.


Mumsnet’s feminism section has become a haven for rad fems to spread their hate and recruit – not appropriate for a parenting site supposedly also aimed at fathers, or even mothers of boys. The rest of the site is also full of unchallenged man-hate and ‘women are never in the wrong’ attitudes.


If you feel strongly about this, you could JOIN UP – maybe as a non-feminist mother or a father. Calmly debate with rad fem positions. Ask why men do not get the freedom to express themselves here – on a parenting site, not a woman’s site, not a feminist site.


Ask why women who have admitted they have no children are more welcome than a father who does not call himself a feminist? Does that make him a wife-beater? If they ask you how you know so much as a newbie, say you’ve been reading for years but never signed up.  If they say this is some refuge from a male dominated world, suggest it is not a site for parents then.


Ask why discussion on certain topics is unwelcome? Ask if its appropriate for a parenting site aimed at men and women to have a politically one-sided section at all. Counter the misleading statistics that are treated as gospel. Call out, and even report outright man-hate.


Defend fathers who cannot see their children. Avoid identifying yourself as MRA (Men’s Rights Activist) or you will get banned (though a man-hating childless rad fem can spew as much misandry as she likes of course) Don’t be abusive, even if provoked, or you will get banned. Remind them as a father you are supposed to be welcome here.


Sign up below. Don’t be abusive. Make sense. Don’t let them change the subject or ask you to defend positions you never stated – return to your question or point until that is addressed.


Have fun.

Mumsnetters Plan To Overthrow Patriarchy… Strategy Still In Early Stages

July 29, 2011

I still would...

Aah, Mumsnet the site for parents!  And threads like this…


Here are a few choice suggestions from Mumsnutters on how they might destroy the evil Patriarchy… I was going to make sarcastic comments pointing out the idiocy, hypocrisy and unworkability of some of these, but as you are not Mumsnetters, I figured you didn’t need my help.. so feel free to comment on any that really make you want to point and laugh…



“Why is that men in relatively powerless situations still feel able/willing to mobilise politically to overthrow political regime which oppress them and become violent if necessary and we don’t?”


“I suppose a parallel could be drawn with the anti-apartheid movement – it certainly hasn’t ended racism in South Africa but it has changed the power structure in many ways. It seems to me that we would have more chance of changing the cultural attitudes after women were in power.”


“My choice is to have a really interesting, engaging, high status, high paid career and to function properly as a hands on mother with lots of time and energy for my children with a really good work life balance.

Unfortunately, the way the job market is structured at the moment, militiates [sic] against giving me that choice in the main.”


“But it seems that women are receiving a backlash of quite enormous strength and vigour. We’re the new serfs and the dumping-grounds of astonishing hate, bile and exploitation.”


“I am interested in views on whether the revolution will necessarily be violent i.e. you have to fight fire with fire.”


“The suffragettes used to go out and plant bombs and smash windows in the West End. They got themselves arrested and sent to prison. They were hard core compared to what we’re up to now. I’ve been thinking about that quite a lot recently.”


“If feminist thinkers joined the main political parties en masse, especially if they could outnumber the pro-patriarchy thinkers, then we could start exerting real influence on the decisions made in our country. Also if we invaded took over the majorities on school boards and other organisations that heavily influence culture and policy, we could guide decisions in favour of female-friendly changes etc.”


“Women staying with abusive partners, I don’t view this as weak but a rational choice that they would be worse off on their own under the patriarchal system.”


“Women should stop getting married and living with men. I’ve reached the conclusion that male-female pair-bonding is the pillar that holds up the patriarchy and keeps it rock solid. This is the very key. Women should live with their friends, sisters, old classmates, other single mothers, or their own mothers. This is the quickest way to make the entire house of cards collapse.”


“Could women all go on strike?”


“I think women should vote for women, not parties.”


“I’ve reached a point where I am bloody sick of reading what men have to say, especially what men have to say about social injustice, and even more especially what men have to say about the oppression of women. I can’t be bothered to listen to them any more. Bunch of dead, white, bearded loudmouths oozing privilege, when I have to read them I feel like shouting “oh for FUCK’S SAKE, SHUT IT”. And I just scroll on past the live ones who just love to regale us with endless mansplainy inches of their “wisdom” on the internet, holding my middle finger aloft as I do so. Fuckers.”


..and all this was from just one thread…

How Many Users Of Mumsnet’s Feminist Section Are Actually Mums?

July 29, 2011
So what better way to find out than by infiltrating the section as arch man-hater (seriously, she wrote a piece called ‘Why I Hate Men,’ look it up) Julie Bindel.
Julie Bindel, Feminazi

The Real Bindel - Don't Have Nightmares

Here’s the link, and here’s most of the posts… and see how they fawn at their man-hating icon!

JulieBindel Tue 28-Jun-11 12:55:19

Hi, I admit to have been a happy lurker for a while, as this is one of the most vibrant, inspiring feminist forums on the internet – and with such a wide reach and proven power to really effect change too! And yet… I feel I cannot contribute, even in just this section, due to not having any children. I’ve got two cats, will that help?

DaisyHayes Tue 28-Jun-11 12:58:42

O.M.G! Come in Julie! Come in! Do you want a cup of tea? Wine?

<unable to=”” play=”” it=”” cool=””></unable>

You totally don’t need children – there’s lots of us here without.

TrilllianAstra Tue 28-Jun-11 13:01:48

MN is definitely not Mums only.

You don’t even need to be interested in children.

AliceWhirled Tue 28-Jun-11 13:32:27

Oh my fucking god. Or I’m so cool I know it’s a wind up.

No kids needed . It’s all a conspiracy to keep patriarchy from the door as they think it’s just silly mums, but really we’re planning the revolution.

TrilllianAstra Tue 28-Jun-11 13:38:44

Why are you all fainting and excited? So a non-mum wants to post. Lots of MNers (including some who frequently post on the feminist topics) are not mums.

StewieGriffinsMom Tue 28-Jun-11 13:39:27 There are lots of people in this section who don’t have children.

LRDTheFeministNutcase Tue 28-Jun-11 13:51:43 There are lots of us who are not mums

pixielovescake Tue 28-Jun-11 13:55:32 Hi , welcome. I have no cats or children no partner. a fair few of us dont i think.

Then the real Julie Bindel got word to Mumsnet that it wasn’t her and the thread was deleted. But I think we can safely conclude that the number of Bindel-Worshipping, Man-Hating Radical Feminists who post at MUMSnet, while not being, like, a MUM… is LOTS.

Why Does Mumsnet Suck?

July 29, 2011

This blog collates writing from the Facebook Page Mumsnet Sucks! Visit and like it if you want. It’s primary purpose is to keep articles posted that there would diappear if those sneaky Mumsnetters ever find a way of getting the page removed from Facebook.

Why does Mumsnet Suck? Because rather than being a site ‘For Parents By Parents’ it is instead oten a hive of man-hate (misandry) that does not welcome fathers or men, and will ban them if they ever disagree with a woman. While it is very strict on not allowing hate-speech against any other groups, it will happily tolerate the most vile and untruthful attacks on men. This is especially innappropriate and distasteful on a site for parents, may of whom must have male children and loving husbands

Mumsnet Sucks! is also concerned about the rising tide of misandry in the media. And it sometimes has pictures of kittens also.

To start with, here is a short animation summing up this blogs position.